
Annual Report 2023

In our 2023 Annual Report, we celebrate the impact we’ve made in the lives of at-risk children, youth, and families. Throughout the year, Nisma ARSIS has remained steadfast in our mission, providing a safe haven and critical support to those facing adversity.
This report shines a light on the challenges faced by vulnerable groups and the collaborative efforts of our dedicated stakeholders in providing transformative assistance. From combating severe forms of abuse, domestic violence, neglect, trafficking, to overcoming socio-economic barriers, our programs have made a tangible difference.
In addition to our direct interventions, we have intensified our efforts in prevention, community advocacy, and education. Enhancing our internal processes and rigorously monitoring our impact, we’ve enhanced our effectiveness in creating sustainable change.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our exceptional team, generous donors, invaluable partners, and passionate volunteers. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in realizing our vision of a world where every child, youth, and citizen is safe, valued, and heard.
🌍 Join us in exploring the full report as we reflect on our achievements, challenges, and aspirations for the future.
Thank you for being a part of our journey towards a brighter tomorrow!
With gratitude,
Nisma ARSIS Team
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Annual Report 2022

In our 2022 Annual Report, we highlight the big positive changes we’ve made in helping at-risk children, youth, and families. Throughout the year, we’ve stayed true to our mission, giving a safe place for those facing tough times and meeting their critical needs. 
This report focuses on children, youth, and their families facing major challenges and the shared efforts of many stakeholders to help them. Thanks to our dedicated team, our programs have made a real difference in many lives, helping them move past issues like severe forms of abuse, domestic violence, neglect, trafficking and socio-economic barriers.
 Alongside direct help, we’ve also worked on preventing these issues, advocating and educating communities. By improving our internal processes and keeping a close eye on our work’s impact, we’ve become even more effective. A huge thank you to our team, donors, partners, and volunteers. 
Our dream? A world where every child, youth, and citizen is safe and heard.
With gratitude,
Nisma ARSIS Team

Annual Report 2021

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, and supporters,

We are happy to introduce you the annual report 2021 of Nisma ARSIS!

Nisma ARSIS has shown commitment and engagement during the second year of COVID-19 to respond to children, youth, and their families in vulnerable situations, at high risks, or victims.

We are proud of what we have achieved until now and motivated to keep going with our mission, energy, and interest to support children, youth, and families in need. This annual report reflects the main results, achievements , challenges and program approaches of Nisma ARSIS during 2021 in cooperation with other stakeholders.
This summary offers our pathway, our networks, and future expectations for continuing our mission together with you. We are thankful to every team member, consultant, and volunteer at Nisma ARSIS, for their humble dedication and desire, to strengthen accountability, partnerships, and transparency and to impact positively the lives of children, youth, and their families.
Thank you to partners, donors, and collaborators for the support during this journey!
Nisma ARSIS Team


We are happy to present on this day, to all the partners and public at large the Yearbook 2016-2020 for Initiative for Social Change ARSIS regarding the work and contribute provided throughout these years. Initiative ARSIS has showed engagement, commitment, and experience on providing support to children, youth, and families most in need, in high risk of life and in vulnerable situation, through qualitative and holistic interventions.

It is our desire that this summary offers a valuable glimpse on how we contributed to the transformational journey over these years. We are thankful to every team member, consultants and volunteer in Initiative ARSIS, for their humble dedication and desire to bring about good change
in the society and a life in all its fullness for every child, youth and family.

Thank you to partners, donors, and collaborators for the support during this journey!

Much Love

Nisma ARSIS Team