In the framework of Anti-Trafficking Month (October) under the slogan “From Awareness to Action: Join the Fight Against Trafficking!”
The Psychosocial Team of the Multifunctional Center “House of Colors,”
Adrian filled our hearts with joy, as he was holding hands with his parents, finally reunited! Three years ago a young couple struggled with much life difficulties and through their ups and downs, a child was on its way. The couple split up and the young mother decided to continue alone the pregnancy by…
Children and poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition & no education.
The Psychosocial Team of the Multifunctional Center “House of Colors,”
The “Safe Internet Box” has completed its journey across four
We were delighted to welcome the talented Alban Skenderaj to
In August 2024, four dynamic summer camps were hosted for
Support the voluntary integration of Afghan Nationals in Albania Tirana,
Nisma ARSIS Raises Trafficking Awareness Across Albania: October 2020 Highlights
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Ilir, 15 years old, has been separated from his family since 2010. His mother died and his
father was an alcoholic with limited means to support his son…
Bahishta, a 24-year-old young woman from Afghanistan is currently staying in a hotel in Shëngjin…
Cooperation between the municipalities of Shkoder and Tirana, the social services and the Initiative ARSIS…
NISMA ARSIS mission is to promote the rights, to provide services and sustainable solutions for children, youth and families in vulnerable situations as well as for the marginalized Roma/Egyptian communities and other social groups in Albania. In this frame, NISMA ARSIS develops new methods and tools for children and youth support, organizes and participates in networks for social solidarity, cooperates with public and private services.
Join our mission at NISMA ARSIS! We are dedicated to empowering children, youth, and families in vulnerable situations. By volunteering with us, you’ll be part of developing innovative methods and tools for support, building networks for social solidarity, and collaborating with various services. Be the change you want to see and make a lasting impact in the lives of those who need it most.
Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror ARSIS is a member of the Code of Standards for Civil Society Organizations.
-Administrative Office of Nisma ARSIS
Rr. Sali Butka, Pallati T.B.M, Ap 1, Njësia Administrative nr.7, PC 1023, Tirana Albania
-Early Childhood and Family Supporting Center
Rr. Isuf Elezi, Blloku i Vilave Selite, Administrative Unit no.5, Tirana Albania
-Specialized Integrated Mental Health Services
Sheshi Wilson, Administrative Unit no.5, Tirana Albania
-Mental Health and Psychosocial Services for Afghan Nationals in Albania
Resort Rafaelo Shengjin, Lezhe
-Community Multifunctional Center Xhafzotaj Rrashbull
St. Zoteknik Xhafzotaj, Njesia Administrative Rrashbull, Durres, Albania
Support NISMA ARSIS in uplifting vulnerable communities in Albania. Your donation helps provide essential services and develop sustainable solutions. Join us in creating a brighter future. Every contribution counts. Donate today and be a part of the change!
Emergency Support Services
Monday to Sunday – 24/7h
Integrated Social Care Services
Monday to Friday – 08:00 – 16:30
If you note any form of abuse to children during an activity or work supported by Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror ARSIS, please report immediately at: initiative.arsis@gmail.com