Join Nisma ARSIS in our vision to create a society where the rights of every child and individual are respected, and vulnerable groups are empowered to lead fulfilling lives.
Join Nisma ARSIS in our vision to create a society where the rights of every child and individual are respected, and vulnerable groups are empowered to lead fulfilling lives.
Join Nisma ARSIS in our vision to create a society where the rights of every child and individual are respected, and vulnerable groups are empowered to lead fulfilling lives.


Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror ARSIS, në partneritet me Qendrën Shqiptare për Popullsi dhe Zhvillim (ACPD), shpall Thirrjen për Projekt-Propozime për organizatat e shoqërisë civile!
Ftojmë organizatat të aplikojnë për financimin e projekteve që mbështesin Parandalimin e Ekstremizmit të Dhunshëm (PVE) në nivel lokal, duke nxitur qëndrueshmërinë e komunitetit dhe kohezionin social.
🔹 Fondi për secilin grant: 1,532,000 Lekë
🔹 Kohëzgjatja e projekteve: 9 muaj
🔹 Afati i fundit për aplikime: 27 Mars 2025
🔹 Zbatimi i projekteve: Bashkitë Fier, Vlorë, Kavajë, Cërrik dhe Pogradec

Organizatat duhet të dorëzojnë dokumentet e aplikimit me postë të regjistruar, shërbim korrieri privat ose dorazi (do të jepet një certifikatë e nënshkruar dhe e datuar për dorëzimin) në adresën:

📍 Adresa postare e Nisma ARSIS
Zyra Administrative e Nisma ARSIS
Rr. Sali Butka, Pallati T.B.M, Ap 1
Njësia Administrative nr.7, Kodi Postar 1023, Tiranë, Shqipëri

Ky projekt zbatohet nga Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror – ARSIS në partneritet me Qendrën Shqiptare për Popullsi dhe Zhvillim (ACPD), nën koordinimin e Qendrës për Parandalimin dhe Kundërshtimin e Ekstremizmit të Dhunshëm (P/CVE) në Shqipëri dhe me mbështetjen financiare të Fondit Global për Angazhimin dhe Qëndrueshmërinë e Komunitetit (GCERF).

🔗 Për më shumë informacion mbi thirrjen dhe dokumentet e aplikimit, klikoni links si më poshtë:

A Journey to Joy Adrian's Story

Embracing Imperfection, Celebrating Unity: How One Child Reunited a Family

There is no such thing as perfect parent..just a real one is more than enough!

Adrian filled our hearts with joy, as he was holding hands with his parents, finally reunited! Three years ago a young couple struggled with much life difficulties and through their ups and downs, a child was on its way. The couple split up and the young mother decided to continue alone the pregnancy by…

Our Recent Events

Children and poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition & no education.

Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror

Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror ARSIS is a Non-Governmental Organization,specializing in the social support of children, youth and families that are in difficulty or danger or vulnerable situation and in the advocacy of their rights. The main target is the prevention of children and youth marginalization, the elaboration of policies which defend children and youth rights and the active social support towards disadvantaged children and young people.

Our Diverse Programs

From Childhood to Community: Nurturing Growth, Protecting Rights, and Building Resilience

Read Our Stories

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Ilir's story

Building Digital Resilience For Children Without Parental Care

Ilir, 15 years old, has been separated from his family since 2010. His mother died and his
father was an alcoholic with limited means to support his son…

BAHISHTA's story

Story of ‘Bahishta’ an activist for empowering women through education and awareness raising in Albania

Bahishta, a 24-year-old young woman from Afghanistan is currently staying in a hotel in Shëngjin…

Deni's story

Story of ‘Deni’, a victim of trafficking, and the intervention of Initiative for Social Change ARSIS

Cooperation between the municipalities of Shkoder and Tirana, the social services and the Initiative ARSIS…

Become A Volunteer

Our Work

Get in Touch

Contact US for further details!

Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror ARSIS is a member of the Code of Standards for Civil Society Organizations.

Find Us

-Administrative Office of Nisma ARSIS
Rr. Sali Butka, Pallati T.B.M, Ap 1, Njësia Administrative nr.7, PC 1023, Tirana Albania

-Multifunctional Center “House of Colors”
Rr. Sali Butka, Ish-Nshrak, Administrative Unit no.7, Tirana Albania

-Early Childhood and Family Supporting Center
Rr. Isuf Elezi, Blloku i Vilave Selite, Administrative Unit no.5, Tirana Albania

-Specialized Integrated Mental Health Services
Sheshi Wilson, Administrative Unit no.5, Tirana Albania

-Mental Health and Psychosocial Services for Afghan Nationals in Albania

Resort Rafaelo Shengjin, Lezhe

-Community Multifunctional Center Xhafzotaj Rrashbull

St. Zoteknik Xhafzotaj, Njesia Administrative Rrashbull, Durres, Albania


Support NISMA ARSIS in uplifting vulnerable communities in Albania. Your donation helps provide essential services and develop sustainable solutions. Join us in creating a brighter future. Every contribution counts. Donate today and be a part of the change!

Opening Hours

Emergency Support Services
Monday to Sunday – 24/7h

Integrated Social Care Services
Monday to Friday – 08:00 – 16:30