Our work is closely associated to child protection institutions at local government and central government, public and non-public, aiming to coordinate the work of components to prevent, to identify, to respond, to manage cases of children who are at risk victims of abuse, exploitation, neglect, trafficking, children in conflict with the law, violence of children’s rights, children without parental care, etc.
Providing support to children in vulnerable situation and their families through outreach work, multidisciplinary daily services to receive integrated social services in the Municipality of Tirana, Shkodra, Durres, Lushnje, Cerrik and Devoll.
- psycho-social support: counselling, group work, legal advice, information, liaison with social services, support to deal with personal, social, housing or other problems and needs,
- preparation for employment: assessment, orientation, basic skills development (fighting illiteracy), placements in vocational training programs, job search, support of work placements, productive workshops and social enterprise initiatives,
- legal support: information and counseling about law issues, creating educational and sensitization groups for human rights and discrimination,
- educational support: fighting illiteracy, educational assistance,
- temporary housing and food services for young people without home or in major difficulty,
- social and recreational mobilization: participation in group and leisure activities, art and creative workshops, exhibitions, social and cultural events, communication, visits, youth exchanges.
Supporting children at immediate risk (victims of abuse, exploitation, neglect, trafficking, children in conflict with the law, violence of children’s rights, children without parental care, unaccompanied minors, returnees, refugees etc) with:
- the emergency services (psycho-social support) in six Police Station in the Municipality of Tirana and in the Municipality of Lezha and Kurbin,
- the Service of Safe Emergency Shelter in Albania 24/7 days per week,
- mobile outreach work in street and in the family,
- strengthening families and caregivers with the knowledge and skills to protect children;
- supporting relevant duty bearers and other partners, like social workers, clinic staff, teachers, and police, to effectively implement and coordinate appropriate services for children; and
- listening to and involving children in their own protection.
Providing support and co-case management to Child Protection Units by coaching and developing their capacities to improve responses of the needs and vulnerability of children and families in Albania, contributing to a functional child protection system with focus on the best interest of the child through family strengthening model. Our objective is to intervene through adequate programs, as per our belief that early identification facilitate the treatment and diminish long term consequences.
- Home visits,
- Need assessment,
- Risk assessment,
- Involvement and arrangement of GTN,
- Individual protection plan,
- Intervention plan short-term, mid-term, and long-term,
- Case Management with prevention-oriented,
- Case Management with best interest of the child-oriented,
- Case Management with economic-empowerment-oriented,
- Prevention Services,
- Counselling session,
- Emergent Intervention.
- children in street situation as a core member of the National Network for Centers for Children in Street Situation in Albania, through providing direct support in the daily drop-in centers and advocacy work for the legislative framework and inclusive social services,
- children in conflict with the law through psycho social support in the Police Station and ensuring protection measures in cooperation with CPW,
- unaccompanied children identified in borders or deported from other countries,
- children victims of trafficking or potential victims of trafficking through community reintegration services in the center “House of Colors” and raising community awareness about fight against trafficking in Albania,
- children of returned families from Germany or other EU countries with reintegration social services in the Municipality of Tirana and their family members with employment packages and income generating initiatives.
- technical expertise to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection about the development of the National Action Plan on De-Institutionalization in Albania;
- support for the improvement of legal basis and all its institutional mechanisms related to De-Institutionalization,
- opportunities for child well-being development in six public residential care institutions in Albania where children are residing,
- the first model in Albania for the Family Support Center for every child in Residential Care Institution or at risk of institutionalization and their families.
Our main priority is to protect children and youth from harm and any form of abuse and taking action against abuse towards them.
If you note any form of abuse to children during an activity or work supported by Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror ARSIS, please report immediately at: initiative.arsis@gmail.com.
The main programs for achieving child protection and guarantying their rights are:
- Juvenile justice program in Tirana, Lezha and Kurbin Municipalities,
- Child protection program in Lushnje, Cerrik and Tirana Municipalities,
- Alternative care program in Durres, Shkodra, Korca, Vlora, Tirana and Saranda Municipalities,
- Emergency response to the Earthquake in Albania.