Rrjeti ynë

1.Dynamo International – Street Workers Network

Dynamo International coordinates the International network of social street workers who approach various populations in their environment (children, youth people and adults). 50 national platforms of street workers are members of the network, coming from southern and northern countries, in which is involved Initiative ARSIS with 5 social workers.


2.E.p.a International Play Work Association

e.p.a. is a recognized INGYO (International Non-Governmental Youth Organization) with a network of partner organizations in more than 40 countries currently in Europe, South America, the Caribbean, in Africa and around the Mediterranean. e.p.a. works with children, young people and women’s groups from communities in areas of poverty and social exclusion.


3.Iris Network

IRIS network is the only regional network that brings together CSOs social service providers in South East Europe. IRIS connects currently 140 member organizations that provide different types of social services to different vulnerable groups: people with disability, children and youth at risk, women victims of family violence, refugees, asylum seekers etc.

IRIS aims to strengthen the role of not-for-profit social service providers throughout SEE and to ensure that these organizations are recognized as equal partners by the public sector. IRIS was founded in 2012 and from the mere beginning we had a huge support from our partners in the European Union and in the CSF program.


4.BKTF (Coalition “All Together for Holistic Care of Children”)

Mission of BKTF is to advocate for and lobby on behalf of children for their protection, through the establishment of a functional child protection system in Albania. To educate Albanian society to both recognize and respect children’s rights. To coordinate and promote the sharing of models of best practices in the field of child protection. To promote active child participation in child related matters.

5.National Network for Centers of Children in Street Situation

6. Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants

PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a network of organisations working to ensure social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants. Bringing together a broad range of experience and expertise, PICUM generates and coordinates a humane and informed response to undocumented migrants’ realities and provides a platform to engage policy makers and the general public in the full realisation of their rights.



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