Youth development

Youth engagement and empowerment

Nisma ARSIS has made youth engagement and empowerment a cornerstone of its mission, actively involving young people in meaningful participation and advocacy initiatives. Through the House of Colors Center in Tirana, the organization engages young individuals aged 15 to 23 from diverse neighborhoods, creating an inclusive space for learning, collaboration, and social impact.

Youth participants are identified through a proactive approach, including collaboration with school leaders, psychosocial staff, informational sessions at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and online applications. This methodology ensures the inclusion of a diverse group, bringing unique perspectives from communities such as Kombinat, Yzberisht, Selita, Komuna e Parisit, Allias, Fresku, and Selvia.

The program equips youth with knowledge and skills to advocate for critical social issues, including children’s rights, gender-based violence, and human trafficking. Weekly sessions, facilitated by dedicated professionals, offer opportunities for youth to engage in psychosocial activities, explore their potential, and contribute to community well-being. Topics such as human rights conventions, child protection legislation, equality, and online safety are covered to foster awareness and action.

Coaching for employment (C4E) providing 9 months coaching for vulnerable youth (like returnees, youth from Roma and Egyptian communities, youth without parental care, youth in the scheme of the economic aid, etc)
Youth participation in the communities in the municipality of Lushnje, a 9 month program which provides support to youth to participate in the political and social life of their city and actively involved in the actions which empowers them and the community itself
Multidisciplinary services in the center “House of Colors” for youth who have contact with the street and live in difficult situation.

Social workers and psychologists monitor progress and ensure that young people are connected to essential services. Additionally, the following are some of the services they regularly provide:

Develop service plans with each youth and his/her family and regularly monitor progress toward meeting established goals
Visit young people at their schools, connecting with appropriate school staff and faculty to ensure youth have their educational needs met
Ensure that the youth have access to basic need supports such as adequate food, clothing and hygiene services in the center “House of Colors”
The first model in Albania for the Family Support Center for every child in Residential Care Institution or at risk of institutionalization and their families.
Accompany or provide information for youth and their families, in order to attend medical, counseling, or court appointments
Make referrals to other internal VET programs as well as outside community service providers
Engage youth participants in regular mentoring and enrichment activities
Assist youth in attending regularly scheduled career exploration, life skills development and sport activities.

Strengthening communities and families creates a safety net that empowers children to experience fullness of life. By partnering with families and local community groups, we strengthen the good work they’re already doing.