Core Organizational Values
Nisma recognises that working with a variety of beneficiaries and stakeholders lies at the core of its strength. In order to fulfil its mission Nisma ARSIS respects the diversity of the people that it supports. It is committed to the equality of opportunity for all and to respect for difference.
Nisma is committed to inspiring dialogue from the bottom-up, promoting consultations, building consensus, facilitating convergence, forging partnerships and engaging diverse stakeholders in participatory governance. Nisma builds partnerships and strategies that empower families, communities, local civic organizations and public agencies to participate in decision-making for an adequate provision of services and conduct of activities. Nisma aims to widely share information and resources, encouraging constructive dialogue and exchanges among all its employees, program beneficiaries and partners to continually refine state-of-knowledge and best practices.
Aware of the scale and scope of the challenges that face its employees, beneficiaries and related agencies Nisma acknowledges the requirement to be innovative in its responses. Nisma is committed to acting as a catalyst that brings together the stakeholders (its own employees, program beneficiaries, the partner organizations and public institutions) to generate creative and innovative solutions and promote thoughtful analysis and learning.
Nisma recognises that accountability depends on: - clear share of tasks and responsibilities, division of roles; - segregation of duties, each formal operational action taken by a subject within the organisation should be checked also by a different subject in order to ensure maximum accountability - working as a team; - a functioning structure bottom-top and vice versa; - the update and implementation of procedures and operational protocols; - transparent use of funds, clear issuance of orders and follow up. The accountability makes Nisma reliable and trustworthy in relation to its own employees, the beneficiaries, donors, public institutions, partner organisations and third parties. Accountable governance is key to long-term sustainability.
Nisma values equity, intentionally prioritizing policies and strategies to reach the poorest communities and the most vulnerable individuals.